Mountain Maple | Acer pseudoplantanus 'Atropurpurea'
It is not entirely certain that the common maple is native to the Netherlands. Some say so, others believe that the tree has only been known in the Netherlands since the late Middle Ages.
This red-leaved specimen is native to Central and Southern Europe and Southwest Asia. The red leaf is a color deviation from the common maple: red-leaved plants are regularly found in seedlings. Some of them have been given official names, such as this one. The color of the leaf can vary from wine red to dark purple. In this tree, the underside of the leaf is purple-red in color. A maple will grow anywhere, it does not make many demands. He also doesn't mind a windy place. The tree has a beautiful palmate leaf. And everyone knows the fruits, they look like little helicopters! The wood of the maple is very valuable and is widely used for parquet, musical instruments and gymnastic equipment.